Are We Out of the Woods?

"Are we in the clear yet?"

Oh Taylor, how do you do it? Writing love songs that connect with each and everyone of us, it's just amazing. As some of you may know, Taylor Swift released the official music video for Out of the Woods on New Years Eve. Although I really love the song, the video was disappointing to me. It wasn't as powerful and intense as I feel the music makes the song feel. Still, the message of the song is awesome. Finding yourself in a maze of woods to discover that you're OK on your own is something we struggle with. And like the end of the video says :
 "She lost him but found herself.  And somehow that was everything."
Chills anyone?

As a single lad myself, I know how hard it is to be OK by yourself. I'm definitely working on more self-love and self-happiness though because it really is so important. If you aren't happy with yourself, you most definitely won't be happy with another person. It's hard though, and I know that first hand. But that's why I like to blog because I get excited when I see how the photos turn out. I'm like "Damn! That's me!" It's really exciting and up-lifting. Nevertheless it's an on-going challenge. That voice in your head is a powerful little devil.

What's frustrating is when you think you're almost out of the woods but then you're not. Hence the complexity of wooded areas and the struggle it takes to escape. For instance, I thought I was almost out of my own personal woods myself until I ran into another branch and got knocked back down. But guess what? I'm alive. Today is a new day and tomorrow will be a new day, and the day after that will be new too! Things always get better. We just have to remember to breathe, walk away, figure out the next step, or just sleep it off. But as the queen of running into branches, it really is going to be OK.

 Anywho, go watch T. Swift's video and please laugh at all the awkward falling she does, it's great. Have a great weekend everyone! 



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