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It may already be January 10th but HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's 2016, holy cow. My junior english teacher was right, college goes in the blink of an eye. Luckily I still have one more year. On my plane back to Tucson yesterday I finished the book, Thrive by Arianna Huffinton. The last few sections of the book has started to shift the way I think about time. She wrote one section on death,  the end of our life, and it never occurred to me before how many Westerners avoid this topic completely. And I was one of them! If I ever thought too much about the 'end of my life' I would actually have a panic attack. Yet, so many other countries and their religions around the world live their life as a giant preparation for death. Quite remarkable I think. I won't go into details because it is still a touchy subject with many but I recommend reading the book if it sounds interesting to you, it's a great read (find it here). 

Back to the new year though and the yearly development of the resolution. Gag. Honestly, let's close fitness centers in the first week of January and then we'll see how many of the "I'm going to get fit" people actually last. But seriously, setting goals can't be just for January 1st. My friend told me about her path to become vegan. What happens is if you tell everyone about it and set a big elaborate date to start something new, it won't happen. On the other hand, when you wake up one day and decide to yourself "Hey, I want to become Vegan for X,Y, Z examples, so I'm going to do it" the success rate is much higher. I'm no Women's Health magazine writer who's trying to debunk the mystery of the failed resolution I'm just an observant 20 year old speaking my opinion. Take it or leave it :)

If you do set a resolution, good for you! It's always good to recycle the old and bring in the new. Never a bad thing believe me. Just make sure the goals are attainable and doable for your lifestyle. Learn, try, adjust, and try again. It's a battle but sure worth it in the end. On that note, Happy 2016 everyone, and may the resolution be ever in your favor... 



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