The Colors of Fisherman's Cove

My most recent Summer Adventure took my mom and I to the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia, which is all the way east of Canada and actually isn't too far from Maine! On our last day in the province, we got to wander around the small but colorful Fisherman's Cove. The brightly painted shacks screamed take photos of me! However, this is the only 'fashion' blog post I did of this trip because most of my clothes were t-shirts and soccer shorts (ideal wear for our 'casual' vacation). Luckily, I was able to throw one necklace in my luggage and once I put that on top of my black and white plaid...voila! Somewhat of an outfit.
Nonetheless, you couldn't help but smile looking at these houses (especially that yellow one!). I think Canadians spend every summer painting their houses a new color because not just the stores were colorful but every house all across the mainland were bright blue or red or white or green! It was so fun and it really just works there. I think they would shun someone who had a beige house.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Try to get out and explore a little! You never know what you'll find right in your hometown.
 Have a great Sunday.


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