
One of my general education classes I'm taking this semester is called Light, Color, & Vision- an optical sciences course. This is one of the better science classes I've taken in a really long time and we have only just started with our first topic on light! Every two weeks or so, my teacher gives us one word that we have to journal about. There are no limits to what you can write about which is really cool in my opinion and something you wouldn't expect to be doing in a science class. Being the blogger that I am, I knew that I would have to try to make a blog post also relating to the word that I would have to write about out.

Luminous is actually the second word in the journal assignment (I'm still working on photos for the first). The word luminous has a really mysterious but magical sound to it. I tend to envision a candle casting a soft glow around a room, nothing to harsh. So when I saw these lights one night walking around campus I knew that was how I was going to portray the word Luminous. The bright white lights casting a futuristic glow over the dusty grey walls. It looks sort of like a Next stop...the moon!

What do you think of when you hear/see the word Luminous? 


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