Looking Back on 2014

2015 is here! Let's take a look back super quick on the year that was...

2014  }

(Throwing it back to the Cliffs of Moher, Dublin, Ireland)

1. My Best Memory from 2014

One of my favorite moments from 2014 was getting to live with my best friend second semester. We both lived with other people first semester but things changed around after winter break and she was able to move in with me! My dorm room was above average size so when we decided to bunk beds the room turned into a mini apartment. It was great. It's so nice getting to live with a close friend because you always have someone to go eat with, take walks with, and go to softball games with. She was the most respectful roommate I've had so far and I hope I was as good to her as she was to me!

2.Who's the coolest person you met in 2014

For fall break, I had the opportunity to travel to Italy and visit Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan in just seven days. During the first two days in Rome, our group met a 29 year old female from Australia. Oh cool, an Australian! No, it gets better. She had just quit her job, left her boyfriend, and her family behind to travel the world for one whole year. Her commitment to traveling everywhere, and meeting whoever she could was really awe-inspiring, and it was just too adorable to listen to her give us 19 and 20 year olds love advice in the middle of a bar. 

3. Best book you've read

The best book I read this year has to be Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. The last time I put this book on my blog, I had not even read it yet, but this time I swear I did! And it was worth it. It's a great book for any future or current female business person. I loved it so much, that from my apartment in Prague, I would email what I thought were some of the most important quotes to my Professional Women in Business Association club back at Arizona. Watch out world, here we come! 

4. Best movie you saw

I've watched a lot of Netflix this year- like any normal college student- but my watch time increased more when I sprained my ankle back in October. Not being able to walk pretty much forced me to watch endless episodes of Gossip Girl and Bob's Burgers. After too many drama filled episodes of Gossip Girl, I decided to shake things up by scrolling down to the Independent Movies section where I found a movie called Life Happens. The main character was one of my favorite actresses Krysten Ritter where one crazy night bares her an unexpected child. Just watching her struggle as a single mom, with unreliable roommates, was really eye-opening since I was just sitting there with a beat up ankle feeling hopeless. All is not loss if difficult life events hit you, you can always overcome (even if you feel like you can't). 

5.What's the most interesting experience you had in 2014

Besides flying across the Atlantic ocean to a new country where I would be living for four months, I would have to say that letting my guard down led to one of those experiences that I can never forget about- riding around the city of Rome on the back of a Vespa. Although the whole time I was on this little adventure, my guard was up halfway considering I was with a complete stranger and I wanted to make sure I wasn't being hauled off to the outskirts of the city to an unknown fate. It was all worth it though because everyone I proceed to tell about this journey was highly jealous. It was really one of the those bucket list items that I got lucky enough to cross off. It honestly wasn't that thrilling because I did have to look out for my safety but I still did it! I only let the whole ride last about two hours but it was still amazing. My advice- trust your instincts, don't be stupid, and you too can ride on the back of a Vespa through Rome. :D

6.What's the best thing that was said to you this year?

One of the things I discovered this year is that my favorite phrase to hear is not 'I love you', or 'Congratulations' but 'I'm (so) proud of you'. Although, I want to say everything I do I do for myself, there's a part of me that still appreciates being recognized for my hard work and courage from an outside individual. Sometimes, it's about more then getting good grades but it's about the work put into achieving them, and/or the never giving up attitude when life hands you a sprained ankle. Just knowing that there are people around me that love and support me is one awesome feeling. 

7. What's the bravest thing you did in 2014?

I think the bravest thing I did in 2014 was deciding to continue on with my Italy fall break trip only a few weeks after spraining my ankle, and ultimately by myself. Although there were two other girls from my study abroad program going on this same trip, I had never hung out with them extensively before so it did feel like I was on my own, until I got there. Everyone on the trip were really kind about the whole 'wearing a boot and carrying around crutches' thing. I would get asked multiple times every day about how I was doing, and even though my answers were always the same, I still appreciated the effort. The trip was so worth it and I'm so happy I overcame my ankle and was able to go!

8. Did this year teach you anything?
Most definitely. From my insane second semester at Arizona to my interesting semester in Prague, I've learned a lot about myself and about others. I've learned that I have a lot more to learn about...everything.  I've learned that confidence can get you way more surprises and way more fun if you just do it! There's really nothing to be afraid of because when you put yourself in someone else's shoes you eventually learn that no one else cares for longer than 5 minutes. There's probably a lot more lessons that I could find from this year but I don't want to ponder on the past too much. There's a new year waiting around the corner and I'm ready for it.  

Happy New Years to you and everyone all around the world! 
Show 2015 who's boss. 


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