Living In Prague: Feeling Overwhelmed

Ahoj from Praha! Yes, I am here and I am alive. Finally got the opportunity to write my first blog post since being here and I wanted to focus on this reoccurring feeling of being overwhelmed. 
I've listed some of the factors below: 

First there's the fact that you are attending a new school. A very old and very small school. And when I say small I mean that my Economics class back at Arizona is double the size of total enrollment here. Yeah, pretty tiny. The white exterior is pretty cool though, and it's very unique nonetheless. 

Then there is the challenge of settling into your new living space. You have to figure out how the shower, the stove, the laundry works, and find the spot where you are most comfortable (I like the futon). Learning how to live with multiple people in a confined space is also a huge challenge but also rewarding because you hear stories and backgrounds that no one can make up. 

Food is huge too. To stay alive you must nourish yourself so now we have to figure out the best place to shop, and what foods to buy that wont make me hate myself. Our holy grail is Tesco where the prices are great, and the selection is even better! It's not too far away so it's very doable. 

If I can I'll try to contain my thoughts by  writing down everything. I've also been reading a lot more.  You can only spend so much time on social media, and my program offers a small collection of books that you can borrow. Which is why I grabbed The Fault in Our Stars because it was available and free!

I can't break for long because I still have actual school work to attend too. I feel fortunate though because I have a schedule I enjoy and I good balance of classes between stuff I enjoy

If you think the news back in the states is depressing and overwhelming, well nothing compares to picking up an International New York Times. Talk about so many different, depressing stories. It's a bit much.

There's also this other overwhelming pressure of having to get out and see the city. So we start with the view from our apartment. 

Then we make it over to  Prague Castle.

Take a Panoramic of Charles Bridge is a must do.

Obviously, one must see the John Lennon Wall since it's conveniently located right next to school.

Oh and here I am at a fortress, actually proving that I'm here.

Sometimes I want to go home. I absolutely freak out and am overwhelmed by all these elements that I encounter every day. I try to remind myself that it's only day 12 and I know it will all be worth it in the end. 
I surprise myself when I can smile like this after having a rough day- which is a sign that I'll get through it. 
Prague hasn't seen nothing yet. 


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