Hometown Glory

I'm usually one to criticize the town I live in, for the typical things of it being lame and there being nothing to do. It just has never felt that special to me. I've lived here for 19 years, and yes, just now I'm starting to accept and possibly appreciate it. 
There's this little downtown situated near the train tracks that never really appealed to me because of it's odd shops, and few restaurants, but when I went behind the buildings and saw all the old brick walls and hidden staircases I became in awe of it. It's a great place to take photos with all the cool backdrops to choose from. Very cool and very vintage, who knew!?
Taking the place where you live for granted is probably a big mistake but I think I'm starting to come around. It may have taken 19 years, but some thing just take time. I'm learning to appreciate it now and that's all that matters. 


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