A Little Belated Birthday Celebration

This is a belated birthday post for not only me but for my blog! I just discovered that I began this blog June 22nd 2013 and my birthday is June 23rd. So I thought it made sense to combine the two! I went over to my Aunt's house the night of my birthday for a small little cookout. I played wiffle ball in this dress, just saying. Obviously the photos below were taken at Starbucks but that was on a later date. 

As for my blog, I can't believe it's been a whole year!  Of course I didn't post every single week or every single month, but the fact that I'm still doing it today totally counts for something. Following through is often challenging but when you're doing something you enjoy it becomes a whole lot easier. Happy Belated Birthday Life in Style! We've got an exciting year ahead of us.

A big thank you to all of you who read this! I know it's nothing professional or super interesting but hey, it passes the time. I love all the feedback and comments, they really keep me going! Just the fact that you read this anyway is pretty awesome. I hope to have more fun posts to share in the year to come (especially as I jet off to Europe in the fall). 


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