Summer Update

Long time no post! I'm pretty sure I promised a post back in April and its what now, the end of June! Oops! I apologize but hey, life happens. Any who, I'm back and I'm starting the summer with a quick update.  What have I been up too now?

Well I finished my first year at college!

 Flew home to spend the summer with my family, and began working as a camp counselor.

I  caught up with the Chicago must-haves soon after I arrived.

Of course, May in Chicago still requires pants and a jacket. Did I mention it snowed the morning I got home? 

Found some random quotes.

Ate some deep dish pizza.

Took some selfies as I reunited with my car.

Caught a nice sunset.

Redid the hair with some hi-lights, lo-lights, and do I see red underneath?

Visited the city! Up to the Skydeck at the Willis tower and got the best view you could ask for.

Ate some macaroons at the French Markets under the train station.

Caught up with my cousins and ate some fro-yo, yo.

Dressed up, dressed down.

Really digging my converse.

Kept the X-Men tradition alive with the high school girls.

Kodak Moment.

Spent a lovely Father's Day with the pops.

Saw American Authors, The Script, and One Republic at Rivinia!

It was a great show.

And took some photos of my cat.

The summer has only post soon!
Thanks for sticking around :)


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