Lincoln in Madison

It's that time of year again where we all get decked out in red, white, and blue to enjoy the celebration of our 239th year of Independence! Did you know we are one of the youngest countries out there? Almost every other country as at least a good 800 years on us. It's mind-blowing because we seem so powerful today. 
This is one of my favorite sweatshirts, and I thought it would be appropriate for this special holiday. What's a better quote then Honest Abe saying he will be president, and then actually becoming president? Nothing. I was drawn to it not by the bluntness of the statement but because I sometimes find myself saying I'm gong to be President one day too. But it's just a statement, and unfortunately it brings a lot of eye rolls and laughs. I'm just saying if you the complainer aren't going to try to fix something, why can't I? Either way, I think the U.S. is pretty great and I bet most of you do too. Because if you think about the rest of the world, we have it pretty good. 
So I hope everyone can try to enjoy this holiday, and not get obsessive over those darn parades. 
Happy 4th!


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