Black & Green in Lake Geneva
This has to be one of my favorite color combinations to wear which I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before on here...Anyway, I've actually been wanting to highlight this cool shirt I bought over Christmas break. It's from Banana Republic and the moment I saw it hung up, I knew I had to have it. I love the mesh texture overlay and how it's see through on the sleeve. It makes the shirt just that much more stylish then a plain black tee. Clearly, it can be worn very causal and I've worn it with Converse before which also looks super cute. The greenery photos above are up in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The overcast sky didn't look to nice but it really brought out the bright green in the trees and grass there. So strange how we've had so much rain over here while California is still suffering! If only we could ship our rain water to them... Anyway, it feels so nice to have photos of clothes again! Crossing my fingers...