Québec City

Bonjour from Québec! I have only been here for two days but I already am in love. Not only do the people speak French-the language I am trying to learn- but the old buildings mixed with the city atmosphere makes it a great place to be. You may think it would feel like going to France but it doesn't, it feels like Québec, unique and all its own. 

 As for vacation outfits I still need a lot of practice at being creative while on the go and living out of a suitcase. So the outfits below aren't terribly creative, I tried to focus on at least one interesting piece. But I wanted to post while I was in Canada because I can have some interesting backdrops! 

At a park in Québec City, where there are no cacti except for my shirt. 

Riding the ferry back to our place in Lévis

Stacked jewels in front of Montmorency Falls

Walking down over 400 stairs from the stop of the falls.

The journey doesn't end here...

Clothes from- H&M, Target, Forever 21


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